Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Secret Challenge: Days 18, 19 and 20

I am creating/participating in a Happy Secret Challenge inspired by a TED video I recently watched.  

Well, I've missed posting on a few days, but I've still thought of things.  It's just taking time to get them written.  Each day I will write three gratitudes and to journal/write about one positive experience from the day.  The gratitudes can be trivial or deep.  And even on the toughest of days there is at least ONE thing that is positive or goes well.  

Gratitude: thankfulness, gratefulness or appreciation; 
a feeling or attitude in recognition of a benefit that someone has received.

Positive favorablegoodapprovingenthusiasticsupportiveencouraging

The goal is to retrain your brain to begin to look for the positives instead of the negatives. 

Three Gratitudes:
(Times 3 days!)
52. I'm thankful for good conversations.

53. I'm grateful for the good (but cold) weather during the holidays!

54. I'm grateful for, thankful for and appreciate laughter!

55. I appreciate the thought that my family put into making 
each other's Christmas holiday special.

56. I appreciate our holiday family traditions!  They make the season what it is.

57. I'm grateful for time spent with family.

58. I'm grateful for those quiet afternoons when you can either get stuff done or recharge.

59. I'm grateful that I realized this week how much I wish I had the time to sit and write.  Whether it's a book, or quality entries on my blog like I used to (or felt like I used to).  Realizing it, make me appreciate the fact that I need to take the time to do it.

60. I'm thankful for the ability to be thankful.

I am grateful.

One Positive From The Last 24 Hours:

Baking cookies went MUCH better this time around.

Christmas Eve we exchange ornaments, or this year gift cards, with some sort of game.  We had a wonderful time using three games!  Numbers, Nativity story pass, and the dice game.  Fun!

The last Christmas with one side of my family was spent with good food, good conversation, laughter, movies, a few tears and more laughter.  Just like it should be.

"Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day." 
-Author Unknown

Remember, many things in life can wait...
but finding the positives, being grateful, being appreciative
and The Sunset Won't!

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