Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wordy Wednesday

Wednesdays are often the busiest day of my week.  It's a reminder of all that is left to do during the work week.  There's work, homework, church, meetings, gathering... all in one day.  It's a lot.  On Wednesdays I used to share quotes or passages that I really enjoyed, but I fell off the wagon.  I'm going to start again...

Today's quotes comes from a few posters that I've created, or have purchased for my classroom.  Enjoy:

30 years from now, it won't matter what shoes you wore, 
how your hair looked, or the jeans you bought.  
What will matter is what you learned and how you used it.

You are not finished when you lose.  You are finished when you quit.

Read a book... and you unlock the world.

Remember life is short.  So think about your dreams a little harder.  
Reach a little higher.  Laugh a little louder.  Love a little stronger.  
Because many things in life can wait... The Sunset Won't!

1 comment:

Life is busy, thanks for taking a moment to leave a note!