Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Life's a Dance, Commandment Style

In May I shared my 11 Personal Commandments, things that I want to remember and live by. My very first commandment was to Be Heather.  Since then there have been edits, tweaks, removals and additions.  The first is still the same, to Be Heather.  My second commandment is Dance With God.  Let Him Lead.

Throughout life one of my challenges has been to remember that there is something bigger than me (according to my beliefs).  That God has plans for my life, and knows how to get me to where I am to be.  All I have to do is let him lead.

Somewhere I heard the saying "dance with God, he will let the perfect man cut in."  I loved the image of dancing with God, with celebrating life, enjoying it, experiencing it.  Remember to live the way He tells us to.  Letting Him lead.  That can be just as hard.  But he knows every step.  Every turn.  Every dip.  Every lift.  He knows the routine, you just have to let him lead.

It doesn't matter whether you believe in God, or some other higher power.  Perhaps you believe in chance, karma or serendipity.  No matter what it is there are times when perhaps, like me, you need the reminder that there are forces bigger than yourself at work.  There's a country song that goes, "Life's a dance you learn as you go.  Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.  Don't worry about what you don't know.  Life's a dance, you learn as you go."

So experience the dance.  But I need the reminder to Dance With God.  Let Him Lead.

Happy Dancing,


  1. Your commandments are similar to my own personal goals. The way you worded them was touching. :)

  2. This reminded me of the life priority list I made for myself a few months back. I and my relationship with God are at the very top of that list. and it's so comforting to know that we can relax and let God "lead"...He will never miss a step!

  3. This is great. Words to live by!

  4. I'm so glad you could each connect with something. I think that's what so great about blogging, there is something we can all connect to if we just look!


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