Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Lovely Day

It is absolutely beautiful outside today. After a few days of rain and clouds the sun is shining and there is a slight breeze. I LOVE it. I opened up the windows in the house to let in some greatly needed fresh air.

I am going on a road trip next weekend by myself and decided that it was time that Harold got cleaned out. Yes, I named my car, and his name is Harold. So today I threw away the trash that was in my car, vacuumed it out, organized the glove box, wiped off the dashboard and filled the gas tank. And I did it all without a winter jacket. The snow is almost completely melted away. The sweet smell of spring is in the air. Working outside and getting so much done is such a good feeling.

Being able to open windows, work outside without a huge jacket, and cleaning out the car are all signs of spring. Awesome!

I am continuing to work on my 101 in 1001 list. #10 is 'Create a list of 101 things that make me happy.' Because its such a huge list I am breaking it down in pieces. Here are numbers 4-6:

4. Flipping to the cool side of the pillow. Who doesn't love, in the middle of the night when you're still half asleep flipping your pillow over and enjoying the cool feeling on your face. The cool side of the pillow makes me happy.
5. Reading a book in a comfy chair. I love curling up with a book on a big chair. Getting lost in a story makes me happy.
6. Hearing an old favorite song. Your iPod is on shuffle and all of the sudden you hear it. That song you used to love. At some point it was one you could listen to over and over. Hearing it makes you smile. Its like finding a lost friend. Being reminded of a old favorite song makes me happy.

I would love to hear what things signal spring for you! Also, I would love to hear what makes you happy either on my 'Happy List' page or on my previous post on being Happy.


  1. I made a list of stuff I hate spring for on my blog, but there are things that I genuinely like.

    My favorite is that first day, when I can open up my windows for the entire day to get rid of all of the stale air that has accumulated over the winter. And I don't have to turn on the lights because it's so sunny out that it naturally fills my living room with sunlight. And I can turn on some jazz music because for some reason I feel that it very naturally belongs.

    And my other favorite thing is on day 2, when it happens again.. and the apartment is clean because day 1 inspired me to get up off my bum and do some cleaning!

  2. I am headed over to check out your list :) I love the sunlight too. It always seems so much better than indoor lighting.


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